Diskuse - Konec světa
Karel, 14.12.2012 13:00:15, IP: ***.***.1.167, #172050Už jenom týden
TroSketos, 18.12.2012 0:23:59, IP: ***.***.60.8, #172127Těším se na sobotu, abych mohl všechny poslat někam.
., 18.12.2012 14:53:05, IP: ***.***.211.116, #172139Oni tebe taky pošlou někam.
Karel, 20.12.2012 18:34:35, IP: ***.***.1.167, #172220Tak přátelé!
Je to tady už jenom pár hodin a ti co věřili že bude 21.12.2012 skončí v p**eli
Dan, 22.12.2012 14:09:11, IP: ***.***.48.25, #172270Chááá chááá chááá, tak kde máte ten konec světa, chytráci ? Já to říkal, že se budu 22.12 smát :DDDDDDD Hlavně Dědkovi. No, Dědku, teď už má asi smysl léčit si ty tvoje chlamydie, když nebyl žádnej konec, to je ty vole k zamyšlení :DDD
., 22.12.2012 18:59:49, IP: ***.***.210.43, #172281Tak co dělaj chlamydie dědku?
APPMNudSjG, 23.12.2012 3:27:01, IP: ***.***.19.179, #172299Pedšete : starobyle9 město..13. – 11. tis. př. n . l z doby bnrozove9 Jde patrně o 13-11.stoleted př.n.l. Před 15 000 -13 000 roky nebyla města ani doba bnrozove1
Dědek, 23.12.2012 4:50:24, IP: ***.***.209.252, #1723035 21043 moc se neraduj máš je taky to je prokázané
XepVEOnfvzT, 23.12.2012 6:33:56, IP: ***.***.68.106, #172311Uh-oh! I hope this means that men aren't going to start packing on the pondus. I wonder how many men would trade in health issues for a longer time to reach ejaculation. Make sure you don't let this article or your post get out ;)
crzazZnvTvT, 23.12.2012 13:43:35, IP: ***.***.234.210, #172343jeg er ei jente pe5 21e5r, som er overvektig har en bmi pe5 45 kan jeg bare glmeme e5 fe5 hjelp av dere da, eller?? eller kan jeg bestille time lell?? har mest fett rundt magen.har snakket med flere som har fe5tt hjelp hos dere som har hatt samme bmi som meg er det he5p for meg?? vi har prf8vd e5 bli gravide i 2.5e5r.
oRoixgPyNQeEkwrO, 23.12.2012 18:19:03, IP: ***.***.245.253, #172368I came, I read this atircle, I conquered.
unVzNsgUFnkYFMXcL, 23.12.2012 21:49:39, IP: ***.***.160.253, #172389Thanks for spreading the word on this! This thaeecr may not have been aware of the potential damage he might do, but that's no excuse. Hopefully, word will get out so that no other kids have to go through this type of experience. I'm so proud of the kids who stood up for themselves on this!Katie @ Be Extraordinary Today recently posted..
HoWcxbetGTlpVBCRDVN, 23.12.2012 23:00:40, IP: ***.***.114.234, #172395Now that I've taken a few deep breaths brfoee commenting, hopefully I can be nice. This whole situation frustrates me so much, but even more then that, saddens me. This type of situation is happening across the country way too often because people still are not educated enough as to the detrimental affects of the BMI and talk about weight. We live in a society where diet talk is a norm (as you talked about in your post yesterday) and that's so sad. Talk about maintaining our weight or simply being happy in our bodies just isn't there. Even those of us that are conscious of this have to often dig for these thoughts because we are so conditioned to think otherwise.I recall being weighed in elementary school. I can remember my weight in 5th grade and I remember discussing it with those around me at lunch that day. I remember my feelings around that number and the reaction my peers had about theirs. I remember figuring my BMI in middle school and being upset with that number because it wasn't at the lower end. I was told that I had a lot of muscle mass, which was true since I was an athlete, but I still was upset by this.I don't know what its going to take for our society to change but I hope something changes.Jenn Sternecker recently posted..
SueDBNgGGZ, 24.12.2012 0:34:51, IP: ***.***.92.215, #172402That's brilliantI need to get back on to that loosnig streak again, I jiggle up and down at the moment no fat plateau for me more sharks teeth zigzags
GFkflWhegKUIFkrt, 25.12.2012 9:41:42, IP: ***.***.232.12, #172451It's soopky how clever some ppl are. Thanks!